Freedom for Immigrants Names Laura Hernandez as Executive Director

Hernandez, renowned for her leadership both outside and inside of detention, takes helm at abolitionist organization


LOS ANGELES — Visionary immigrant rights leader and prison abolitionist Laura Hernandez has been named executive director of Freedom for Immigrants (FFI), a national nonprofit organization devoted to abolishing immigration detention.

Throughout her decades of organizing and advocacy in her community both outside and inside of California state prisons and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention centers, Hernandez has fought tirelessly for those incarcerated, championing the freedom, rights and dignity of immigrant communities and Black, brown and Indigenous people. 

“I am thrilled to be joining Freedom for Immigrants at such a pivotal moment in the fight for our collective liberation,” said Hernandez. “I am excited for the journey we are on. As the FFI team continues its commitment to impacted leadership and racial equity, I’m reminded that when we open ourselves up to the people, we open ourselves up to meaningful change. I believe that the work we do together will culminate into a beautiful act of love. And that is really at the core of the abolitionist vision we fight for: change that affects not only the lives of people who have been harmed, but our lives as well.” 

“I believe in the power of community and the work of the people,” continued Hernandez. “I believe in unity and inclusiveness. And I believe the collective resistance of our communities is greater than the systems that seek to oppress us. I am eager to roll up my sleeves and stand shoulder to shoulder with our beautiful movement of like-minded freedom fighters working to put an end to the caging and surveilling of human beings.”

“Laura is an extraordinary leader, and we are thrilled to have her join Freedom for Immigrants as the organization embarks on its next chapter,” said Michael Kaufman, board chair of Freedom for Immigrants. “In Laura we have found a true visionary — someone who is intimately aware of the challenges ahead in the fight to end detention, and who possesses the skills to rally our communities together to effect lasting change. This is an exciting moment not only for FFI, but for the abolitionist movement as a whole. As we begin this new chapter, we also extend our profound gratitude and appreciation to Layla Razavi, who provided steady leadership for the organization during the course of the transition these past two years, as well as to the remarkable FFI staff for their tireless and inspired advocacy.”

Having spent more than 15 years organizing and advocating while incarcerated, Hernandez has learned first-hand the devastating impact of decades of criminalization of immigrants and people of color across the United States, and how the intersecting criminal legal and immigration systems function to oppress and disproportionately incarcerate our communities. 

During her time incarcerated, Hernandez founded, co-founded, chaired or led several organizations, including Victims Impact and Progress, Youth Mentor Organization, Long Termers Organization and LifeScripting. In these roles, Hernandez actively participated in her community as a leader, mentor and trainer to help improve morale and provide her peers with the tools they needed to thrive. 

Upon release, she continued to advocate for herself and for others. She became the coordinator at the Orange County Rapid Response Network (OCRRN), a grassroots organization that supports people navigating the immigration and criminal legal systems. During her time at OCRRN, Hernandez was instrumental in leading policy advocacy efforts and coalitions, as well as doubling the amount of people served by the organization. She has been recognized by the Santa Ana City Council and honored by Women For: Orange County at the 2022 Suffrage Day. 

Read Hernandez’s full bio here.


About Freedom for Immigrants

Founded in 2012, Freedom for Immigrants works to abolish immigration detention while ending the isolation of people currently suffering in this profit-driven system. FFI works with people inside of and impacted by detention, its nationwide volunteer base and community partners to monitor human rights abuses inside immigrant detention centers. Through its National Immigration Detention Hotline and National Visitation Network, which covers 69 immigration detention facilities, FFI connects people inside of detention to a team of trained hotline volunteers and a network of community groups that provide immediate support, record their personal testimonies, and build solidarity for abolition by fostering innovative inside-outside advocacy campaigns. Using narrative change and integrated advocacy, the abolitionist organization fights for its people-centered, just and humane vision of the future in which immigrants are welcomed with the provision of community-based support and services in place of carceral and punitive systems. Learn more.