Part 14: On Resistance, Hunger Strikes and Sanctuary
Part Fourteen, “On Resistance,” provides readings, reports, and multimedia resources on the history of resistance to immigration detention and incarceration, including hunger strikes and the Sanctuary movement, as well as tools for resisting Trump’s deportation policies.
Aptheker, Bettina and Angela Davis, eds. If They Come in the Morning: Voices of Resistance. Third Press, 1971.
Abu-Jamal, Mumia. Jailhouse Lawyers: Prisoners Defending Prisoners v. the U.S.A. City Lights Books, 2009.
Berger, Dan. Captive Nation: Black Prison Organizing in the Civil Rights Era. University of North Carolina Press, 2014.
Chase, Robert, “We Are Not Slaves: Rethinking the Rise of Carceral States through the Lens of the Prisoners’ Rights Movement,” The Journal of American History 102 (2015) 73–86.
Contreras, Irina, “Descado en Los Angeles: Cycles of Invisible Resistance,” in Beyond Walls and Cages: Prisons, Borders, and Global Crisis. University of Georgia Press, 2012.
Davis, Angela, Frank Barat, and Cornel West, Freedom is a Constant Struggle: Ferguson, Palestine, and the Foundations of a Movement. Haymarket, 2016.
Escobar, Edward J. “The Unintended Consequences of the Carceral State: Chicana/o Political Mobilization in Post-World War II America,” Journal of American History 102.1 (2015), 174–84.
Gómez, Alan Eladio, “‘Nuestras vidas corren casi paralelas’: Chicanos, Independentistas, and the Prison Rebellions in Leavenworth, 1969–72,” in Behind Bars: Latino/as and Prison in the United States. Palgrave, 2009.
Hammer, Zoe, “Community, Identity, and Political Struggle: Challenging Immigrant Prisons in Arizona,” in Beyond Walls and Cages: Prisons, Borders, and Global Crisis. University of Georgia Press, 2012.
Hill, Gord, 500 Years of Indigenous Resistance. PM Press, 2009.
Jaffe, Sarah, “Beyond Good Immigrants: An Interview with Aly Wane,” The Progressive, March 2017.
Kateel, Subhash and Aarti Shahani, “Families for Freedom: Against Deportation and Delegalization,” in Keeping Out the Other: A Critical Introduction to Immigration Enforcement Today. Columbia University Press, 2008.
Kaplan, Esther, “Organizing Inside,” Poz Magazine, November, 1998.
King, Martin Luther, Jr., “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” April 16, 1963.
Malcolm X and Alex Haley. The Autobiography of Malcolm X. Random House: 1965.
McLeod, Allegra M., “Immigration, Criminalization, and Disobedience,” University of Miami Law Review 70: 556, 2016.
Price, Joshua M., “A Politics for Our Time? Organizing against Jails,” in Beyond Walls and Cages: Prisons, Borders, and Global Crisis. University of Georgia Press, 2012.
Rodríguez, Dylan. Forced Passages: Imprisoned Radical Intellectuals and the U.S. Prison Regime. University of Minnesota Press, 2006.
Shakur, Assata. Assata: An Autobiography. L. Hill, 1987.
Shimabukuro, Mira. Relocating Authority: Japanese Americans Writing to Redress Mass Incarceration. University of Colorado Press, 2015.
Sohi, Seema. Echoes of Mutiny: Race, Surveillance, and Indian Anticolonialism in North America. Oxford University Press, 2014.
“The True Story of a Texas Prison Riot,” The Nation, June 2015.
Thompson, Heather Ann, Blood in the Water: The Attica Uprising of 1971 and its Legacy. Pantheon, 2016.
Viturro, Mariana, “¡La Policía, la Migra, la Misma Porquería! Popular Resistance to State Violence,” in Beyond Walls and Cages: Prisons, Borders, and Global Crisis. University of Georgia Press, 2012.
Walia, Harsha, Undoing Border Imperialism. AK Press, 2013.
Mohammad, coffee on paper. The Refugee Art Project
Hunger Strikes
Beresford, David. Ten Men Dead: The Story of the 1981 Irish Hunger Strike. Atlantic Monthly Press, 1997.
McGregor, Joanne, “Contestations and consequences of deportability: hunger strikes and the political agency of non-citizens,” Citizenship Studies 15 (2011).
Reiter, Keramet, “The Pelican Bay Hunger Strike: Resistance within the Structural Constraints of a US Supermax Prison,” South Atlantic Quarterly113.3 (Summer 2014), 579–611.
“Open Letter from a Family Member,” Prisoner Hunger Strike Solidarity
“We don’t feel OK here’: Detainee deaths, suicide attempts and hunger strikes plague California immigration facility,” Los Angeles Times, August 2017.
“Moms go on hunger strike to get themselves and their kids out of immigration detention” PRI, 2016.
A Hunger Strikers Handbook: the story of a 2014 hunger strike at the Northwest Detention Center, IMM Print
Crittenden, Ann. Sanctuary: A Story of American Conscience and the Law in Collision. Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1988.
Golden, Renny and Michael McConnell. Sanctuary: The New Underground Railroad. Orbis Books, 1986.
“How Sanctuary Cities are Plotting to Resist Trump,” Rolling Stone, December 2016.
Lorentzen, Robin. Women in the Sanctuary Movement. Temple University Press, 1991.
Martínez-Schuldt, Ricardo D. and Daniel E. Martínez, “Sanctuary Policies and City-Level Incidents of Violence, 1990–2010,” Justice Quarterly, December 2017.
“Mom living in Denver church for sanctuary among TIME’s 100 most influential people,” Denver Post, April 2017.
“This Small Town is Helping Undocumented Immigrants, But Don’t Call It a ‘Sanctuary City,’” VICE, 2016.
Tomsho, Robert. The American Sanctuary Movement. Texas Monthly Press, 1987.
Yukich, Grace, “Constructing the Model Immigrant: Movement Strategy and Immigrant Deservingness in the New Sanctuary Movement,” Social Problems 60:3 (2014).
Podcast: “Church (Sanctuary Parts I and II), 99% Invisible
Searching for Sanctuary, Immigrant Legal Resource Center
Peoples Climate March, 2014. Photo Credit: CultureStrike on Instagram
More News & Resources
“Is it Possible to Resist Deportation in Trump’s America?” New York Times, May 2017.
“How Local Leaders Can Resist Trump’s Deportation Regime,” The Nation, February 2017.
“We Can Stop Trump’s Deportation Force. Here’s How” Huffington Post, 2016.
Latino USA: “The Dream 9” and “Los Otros Dreamers”:
“Meet the Latino activists who killed their city’s prison expansion deal,” Fusion,2016.