Part 10: On Raids and Policing
Part Ten, “On Raids and Policing,” provides readings, reports, and multimedia resources for understanding and challenging the role of policing, racial profiling, raids, and local law enforcement in expanding the reach of the immigration detention system.
Ackerman, Alissa, The Criminalization of Immigration: Contexts and Consequences. Carolina Academic Press, 2013.
Aksyutina, Olga, “Migration Policy and the Criminalization of Protest,” in Beyond Walls and Cages: Prisons, Borders, and Global Crisis. University of Georgia Press, 2012.
Alexander, Michelle. The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness. The New Press, 2010.
Armenta, Amada. Protect, Serve, and Deport: The Rise of Policing as Immigration Enforcement. University of California Press, 2017.
Brotherton, David C., “Exiling New Yorkers,” in Keeping Out the Other: A Critical Introduction to Immigration Enforcement Today. Columbia University Press, 2008.
Brotherton, David C. and Philip Kretsedemas, “Open Markets, Militarized Borders? Immigration Enforcement Today,” in Keeping Out the Other: A Critical Introduction to Immigration Enforcement Today. Columbia University Press, 2008.
Camayd-Freixas, Erik, “Interpreting After the Largest ICE Raid in US History: A Personal Account.” June, 2008; US Immigration Reform and its Global Impact: Lessons from the Postville Raid. Palgrave MacMillan, 2013.
Davis, Mike, “The Hammer and the Rock,” in City of Quartz: Excavating the Future in Los Angeles. Verso, 2006.
Drucker, Ernest. A Plague of Prisons: The Epidemiology of Mass Incarceration in America. The New Press, 2013.
G.S. “Introduction: Imprisonment, Immigration Control, and Drug Enforcement.” Social Justice 31, 1:2 (2004) 1–6.
James, Joy. States of Confinement: Policing, Detention, and Prisons. St. Martin’s Press, 2000.
Lawston, Jodie M. and Ruben R. Murillo, “Policing Our Border, Policing Our Nation: An Examination of the Ideological Connections between Border Vigilantism and U.S. National Ideology,” in Beyond Walls and Cages: Prisons, Borders, and Global Crisis. University of Georgia Press, 2012.
Moran, Dominique. Carceral Geography: Spaces and Practices of Incarceration. Forthcoming, Routledge, 2017.
Parenti, Christian. Lockdown America: Police and Prisons in the Age of Crisis.Verso, 1999.
Pedroza, Juan Manuel, “US Immigration Enforcement at a Crossroads: What Can We Learn from the ‘Secure Communities’ Program?” Border Criminologies, Oxford University, May 2015.
Perkinson, Robert. Texas Tough: The Rise of America’s Prison Empire.Macmillan, 2010.
Ritchie, Andrea J. Invisible No More: Police Violence Against Black Women and Women of Color. Beacon Press, 2017.
Seigel, Micol, “William Bratton in the Other L.A.,” in Beyond Walls and Cages: Prisons, Borders, and Global Crisis. University of Georgia Press, 2012.
“Sheriff Joe,” The New Yorker, 2009.
Simon, Jonathan. Governing Through Crime: How the War on Crime Transformed American Democracy and Created a Culture of Fear. Oxford University Press, 2007.
Staudt, Kathleen, “Bordering the Other in the U.S. Southwest: El Pasoans Confront the Local Sheriff,” in Keeping Out the Other: A Critical Introduction to Immigration Enforcement Today. Columbia University Press, 2008.
Stumpf, Juliet. "The Crimmigration Crisis: Immigrants, Crime, and Sovereign Power." Am. UL Rev. 56 (2006): 367.
Travis, Jeremy, “Invisible Punishment: An Instrument of Social Exclusion,” in Invisible Punishment: The Collateral Consequences of Mass Imprisonment. The New Press, 2003.
Mural at San Francisco’s Balmy Alley by Oren Rozen
Crossing the Line: U.S. Sheriffs Colluding with the Anti-Immigrant Movement. Center for New Community, July 2017.
The State of Black Immigrants Part II: Black Immigrants in the Mass Criminalization System. Black Alliance for Just Immigration and NYU Immigrant Rights Clinic, 2016.
Turning Migrants into Criminals: The Harmful Impact of US Border Prosecutions, Human Rights Watch, May 2013.
Operation Streamline: Costs and Consequences, Grassroots Leadership, September 2012.
Operation Streamline: Drowning Justice and Draining Dollars along the Rio Grande, Grassroots Leadership, July 2010.
The Criminal Alien Program: Immigration Enforcement in Travis County, Texas, Immigration Policy Center, February 2010.
Local Democracy on ICE: Why State and Local Governments Have No Business in Federal Immigration Enforcement, Justice Strategies, 2009.
Detention and Deportation in the Age of ICE (ACLU of Massachusetts, 2008), ACLU, 2008.
In the News
“How America’s Immigration Laws and 287(g) Tear at Our Seams,” Huffington Post, May 2017.
“Fire and ICE: The Return of Workplace Immigration Raids,” American Prospect, April 2017.
“ICE data shows half of immigrants arrested in raids had traffic convictions or no record,” Washington Post, April 2017.
“Photo Essay: Outrage in upstate New York over detention of immigrant family,” International Committee of the Fourth International, March 2017.
“ICE is Still Deporting Asylum Seekers,” The Nation, 2016.
J. “Villawood Fence,” pencil on paper. The Refugee Art Project.
Legal Resources
Immigration Enforcement; Know Your Rights: Immigration Raids Alert! Prepare for Raids and Protect Yourself; En Español, National Immigration Law Center
National Map of Local Entanglement with ICE.
Detainer Policies, Immigrant Legal Resource Center
Know Your Rights, Undocumedia: