Part 16: On Survival: Tools for Building Community Resilience
Part Sixteen, “On Survival: Tools for Building Community Resilience,” provides a set of readings and tools for self-care and to organize our communities to build sanctuary, monitor detention facilities, launch campaigns, and more.
Berger, Dan, “Social Movements and Mass Incarceration: What is to be Done?” Souls 15, 1–2 (2013) 3–18.
Bauen, Jo. “Restorative Justice: The World I Want.” March 2017.
brown, adrienne marie. Emergent Strategy: Shaping Change, Changing Worlds. AK Press, 2017.
Crista, Craven, ed. Feminist Activist Ethnography: Counterpoints to Neoliberalism in North America. Lexington Books, 2013.
Harnett, Steven John. Challenging the Prison-Industrial Complex: Activism, Arts, and Educational Alternatives. University of Illinois Press, 2012.
Lipsky, Laura van Dermoot. Trauma Stewardship: An Everyday Guide to Caring for Self While Caring for Others. Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2009.
Dandicat, Edwidge. Create Dangerously: The Immigrant Artist at Work. Vintage, 2011.
Gurin, Patricia, Biren (Ratnesh) A. Nagda, and Ximena Zúñiga. “The Practice of Intergroup Dialogue,” in Dialogue across Difference: Practice, Theory, and Research on Intergroup Dialogue. Russell Sage Foundation, 2013.
Loyd, Jenna, “Creating Spaces for Change: An Interview with Amy Gottlieb, November 2009,” and “Live, Love, and Work: An Interview with Luis Fernandez, August 2010,” in Beyond Walls and Cages: Prisons, Borders, and Global Crisis. University of Georgia Press, 2012.
Kateel, Subhash, “Winning the Fight of Our Lives,” in Beyond Walls and Cages: Prisons, Borders, and Global Crisis. University of Georgia Press, 2012.
Laenui, Poka, “Process of Decolonization (5 Steps)”
Nyers, Peter, “No one is Illegal between City and Nation.” Studies in Social Justice 4 (2010): 1277–143.
Orbe, Mark P. and Tina M. Harris, “Moving from the Theoretical to the Practical,” in Interracial Communication. Sage Publications, 2008.
Pécoud, Antoine, and Paul FA Guchteneire, eds. Migration without borders: essays on the free movement of people. Berghahn Books, 2007.
Pugh, Jeff, “Build bridges, Not Walls, Foster Peace and Security as Refugees Arrive.”
Walia, Harsha, Undoing Border Imperialism. AK Press, 2013.
World Refugee Day Youth Art Exhibition, New Zealand
Tools to Take Action
Movement Strategy Center Publications and Tools
Build Sanctuary:
Sanctuary Toolkit, Unitarian Universalist Association, February 2017:
Sanctuary Toolkit, ACLU
Sanctuary City Toolkit, National Immigration Law Center
New Sanctuary Movement Toolkit
#HeretoStay Toolkit, United We Dream
Sanctuary Movement Toolkit (Sanctuary Not Deportation), American Friends Service Committtee
Anti-Deportations Toolkit, #Not1More
#stopICEcold Toolkit by the Immigrant Defense Project on IMM Print
Monitor Detention Facilities:
Monitoring Immigration Detention: A Practical Guide, International Detention Coalition
Monitoring Immigration Detention Questionnaire, UNHCR
Guide to Monitoring Immigration Detention Facilities, Women’s Refugee Commission
Monitoring & Investigations, Community Initiatives for Visiting Immigrants in Confinement
Take Action:
Start a Campaign by Mijente
Visit and Support People in Immigration Detention
#DefundHate by Detention Watch Network
Know Your Rights:
Know Your Rights to Defend Your Rights / Conoche tus Derechos para Defender dus Derechos, by Mijente
Immigration Raids Alert! Prepare for Raids and Protect Yourself, National Immigration Law Center
En Español
National Map of Local Entanglement with ICE, Immigrant Legal Resource Center
Know Your Rights, Undocumedia
Beyond Sanctuary:
“The Women of Standing Rock are Midwifing a Global Movement,” by Kara Maria Ananda
Teaching Tolerance, Southern Poverty Law Center; “Immigration 2017”; “The Challenges of Immigration”
Transformative Justice Resources by Empty Cages Collective
Wind(s) From Below: Radical Community Organizing to Make a Revolution Possible
Miklat Miklat: A Transformative Justice Zine
Order Freedom for Immigrants’ Detention Poetry Book
Why Protest? A Zine by Prison Culture
Building Power Through Art, Aliento Arizona
Moving Art and Zine, Desis Rising Up and Moving (DRUM)