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Part 3: On Media 

Part Three, “On Media,” provides readings, reports, and multimedia resources for understanding and analyzing the role of the mass media, narratives, and communications in the immigration debate.


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Immigration Detention in the Media: Missing Migrant Voices and the Need for Humanistic Storytelling, CIVIC, February 2017. 

Moving Stories: International Review of how Media Cover Migration, Ethical Journalism Network, 2015.

Echoing Justice: Communications Strategies for Community Organizing in the 21st Century. Movement Strategy Center, 2014.

A Report on the Media and the Immigration Debate, USC Annenberg School of Journalism and Brookings Governance Studies, 2012:




From CultureStrike:
CultureStrike’s approach grows out of a deep history of artistic leadership within and alongside social movements. As a network led by migrant artists — and driven by our experiences as women, people of color, queer, trans, working-class, and undocumented people — CultureStrike aims not only to change the art of politics, but also the politics of art-making.

Popular education is an excellent way for cultural workers to exercise our minds as well as our talents, and can help us advance our own art practices and the movements we’re a part of. Below are some articles and reports that have helped CultureStrike develop our vision, and we hope will inspire you as well.

“Until We are All Free” Art Kit



More Resources

Migratory Notes: A weekly compilation of exceptional immigration journalism. 

Messaging This Moment: A Handbook for Progressive Communicators, Center for Community Change, 2017: